Currently Browsing: allergies suck 5 articles

doctors stethoscope

My Penicillin Allergy & Owen’s First Ear Infection

Well, we had a good run. Owen hadn’t been sick at all for the first ten months of his life. No fevers. No cough. No extra doctor appointments. I consider that a pretty good run – but I knew that couldn’t last forever.  About two weeks ago on a Saturday night, I noticed Owen had […]

owen in koala towel 2 - 4 months

Owen & Allergies: 2-4 Months

This blog post includes information on the two doctor appointments we had for Owen from 2 to 4 months. If you are new here, the purpose of these posts are to document my journey, as an anaphylactic mom, raising my son Owen. You can read my first post in this series on the blog as well. 2 […]

Owen 2 weeks old

Owen & Allergies: 0-2 Weeks

This blog post includes information on the first two doctor appointments we had for Owen within the first two weeks of him being born. If you are new here, the purpose of these posts are to document my journey, as an anaphylactic mom, raising my son Owen. You can read my first post in this […]

labor delivery and allergies

How My Allergies Affected Labor and Delivery

Honestly, I had no idea I would be writing a post on labor, delivery, and allergies. I did not expect my allergies would affect my labor, delivery, and hospital stay with Owen as much as they did. Sure, I anticipated having to share my allergies when I was admitted, but I thought that would be […]


Enjoying Fairs, Carnivals, and Festivals with Food Allergies

To a person with life threatening food allergies – places like fairs and carnivals can be pretty overwhelming. I just got back from the Orange County Fair, and I must have walked past hundreds of people with chocolate bananas covered in peanuts, Reese’s donuts, and bags of peanuts. Safety is extremely important, but I also […]

Allergic Mama
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