Currently Browsing: Caitlin Reiter 69 articles

I’m Caitlin! An allergic mama :) I’m raising two boys while continuing to navigate life with anaphylaxis. I’m excited to share recipes, reviews, and helpful hints with you!

4 Tips for Dealing with Food Allergies in the Workplace

The break room, lunch-time, potlucks, office parties. Food is a part of the workplace, which is usually something not many people think of – unless you have food allergies. Whether it is volunteering, a part-time job, or a full-time job, food allergies are an added issue to the workplace, so it is important to take as […]


Mocha Brownies (eggless, nut-free, and dairy-free)

There are a lot of frustrating things to deal with when you have severe food allergies (Epipens, allergist appointments, etc.) but one of the most frustrating things to deal with is going out somewhere, seeing something absolutely delicious, and realizing that you cannot eat it. I wish for a day that I can go out […]


Avoiding a Scary Halloween

While I am not the biggest Halloween enthusiast, I have a couple of family traditions that are mandatory. Even though I am married and no longer living in my parents house, I still find a way to rope my husband, parents, and younger brothers into carving pumpkins and watching “It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown” […]


Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies (dairy-free, nut-free, eggless)

It’s that time of year for all things fall…candles, blankets, scarves, and all things pumpkin. While I may not enjoy my fall season sipping on a pumpkin spice latte (no dairy for me!), I will, however, be baking batches and batches of pumpkin chocolate chip cookies. Just around the end of August and beginning of […]


Roasted Lime Cauliflower

While my first two recipe posts were sweets, I thought I would post a recipe for a quick (and healthy) snack or side! This recipe works great for people with allergies (no nuts, dairy, eggs, gluten, etc.), but is delicious enough for anyone to try. Sunday nights are spent cooking enormous amounts of chicken and […]


The Cottage

When you have any dietary restrictions, it can be very difficult to find places to eat when you are out and about. Restaurants can be difficult to work with, ingredients can be added, menus can be changed, and that can lead to quite the headache in trying to find somewhere to sit down and have […]

allergy-friendly protein bites

Allergy-Friendly Protein Bites (nut-free, dairy-free, egg-free )

Recently I have been trying to work on taking in more protein and not taking in as many empty calories. I am not a big eater, so when I do eat, I want my food to work for me. This lead me to this latest recipe, protein bites. I found a recipe on Pinterest and adapted […]

allergy-friendly chocolate chip cookies

Allergy-Friendly Chocolate Chip Cookies (Egg-free, Dairy-free, Nut-free)

My first recipe post has to be one of my absolute favorite things in this world – chocolate chip cookies. For me, baking is therapeutic, and this recipe is my go-to. Baking these cookies on a cold, rainy day, Sinatra in the background, now that’s just heaven. Now I am happy to share this little piece […]


My Story

I write this first blog post a little hesitant, but moreover hopeful that my knowledge in growing up with severe food allergies can help anyone out there with food allergies of their own, or a loved one with food allergies. I was born with a severe peanut allergy, into a family that had no idea […]

Allergic Mama
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